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Combinatorial Geometry and Number Theory

26 - 30 August 2024

First Conference in Lausanne

Combinatorial geometry is the study of extremal problems about finite arrangements of points, lines, circles, etc. Many questions have a strong intuitive appeal and can be explained to a layman. For instance, how many unit balls can be packed into a large box of a fixed volume? What is the maximum number of incidences between n points and n lines in the plane?

The works of László Fejes Tóth and C. Ambrose Rogers initiated new combinatorial approaches to some classical questions studied by Newton, Gauss, Minkowski, Hilbert, and Thue. They laid the foundations of the theory of packing and covering. At the same time, Paul Erdős continued bombarding the world with new questions of combinatorial geometry that even Euclid would appreciate.

Many of these problems turned out to be crucially important in coding theory, combinatorial optimization, computational geometry, robotics, computer graphics, etc. The explosive development of computer technology presented a powerful new source of inspiration for many areas of pure and applied mathematics. Combinatorial geometry is one of the fields that benefited most from this source.


Registration form

Deadline for registration: June 16, 2024.

Thank you for registering!

Registration for the conference closes on June 16th 2024. If you are still interested in participating,  please contact the organizer to ask for possible cancellations at the following email address:

There is no registration fee for this Conference.     


A one-week conference on aspects of combinatorial number theory and combinatorial geometry

The Conference will take place at the Bernoulli Center for Fundamental Studies, Located on the EPFL campus in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Address: Chemin des Alambics, Bâtiment GA, Station 5, 1015 Lausanne.

Geneva airport (GVA) is the nearest airport, around 50 minutes to Lausanne.
Zurich airport (ZRH) is located 2.5 hours by train from Lausanne.

Train timetables are available here. Detailed information on how to get to EPFL is available on the EPFL website (Coming to EPFL).

Below are some options for getting to the Bernoulli Center:

From Geneva airport:

  • Take train to Morges, then bus line 701 from Morges Gare Ecublens VD, Champagne.

From Lausanne:

  • Take metro line M2 from Lausanne-Gare station in the direction of Croisettes, get off at Flon and take M1. Travel on M1 Renens-Gare, Unil-Sorge walk 8 minutes to Bernoulli Center.

  • Take bus line 1 from Lausanne-Gare station, travel in the direction EPFL/Colladon, get off at Ecublens VD, Champagne and walk 5 minutes to Bernoulli Center.


Located on the 3rd floor of the building, the Center can be reached by elevator. The doors of the building are open from 07h00 to 19h00. Outside those hours, participants need an access card. The following spaces are available in the Center:

  • One conference room with a maximal capacity of 75 attendees.

  • 10 working spaces in three separate offices.

  • Three common rooms to be used for meetings, as break-out rooms, lunch and coffee breaks.

  • A terrace for coffee breaks and lunches.

    Free WIFI in the Bernoulli Center.



The EPFL campus has two hotels to welcome you:

In addition, there are hotels and apartments next to EPFL campus and in
Lausanne to suit all budgets.
Hotels in Lausanne provide a free transit card to travel in and around the city for
the duration of your stay (max 15 days). You must ask for the card at the hotel
reception. Moreover, you can use public transport free of charge in Lausanne
(metro & bus) on the day of your arrival to reach your hotel; but you will need to
show your hotel booking and a proof of identity.





9:00 - 9:30: Registration and Welcome session 🫶🏻

9:30 - 10:30: Igor Wigman (King's College London)

10:30 - 11:00: Coffee break ☕️

11:00 - 12:00: Marcelo Campos (University of Cambridge)

12:00 - 13:30: Lunch break 🍽

13:30 - 14:30: Claire Burrin (Universität Zürich)

14:30 - 15:00: Coffee break ☕️

15:00 - 16:00: Alessandro Gambini (Sapienza University of Rome)

16:00: Brainstorm session


9:00 - 10:00: Anders Södergren (Chalmers University of Technology)

10:00 - 10:30: Coffee break ☕️

10:30 - 11:30: Andreas Strömbergsson (Uppsala University)

11:30 - 12:30: Phong Nguyen (École normale supérieure de Paris)

12:30 - 14:00: Lunch break 🍽

14:00 - 14:30: Emil Rugaard Wieser (University of Copenhagen)

14:30 - 15:00: Henry Bambury (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris)

15:00 - 15:30: Coffee break ☕️

15:30: Brainstorm session






9:00 - 10:00: Carlo Sanna (Polytechnic University of Turin)

10:00 - 10:30: Coffee break ☕️

10:30 - 11:30: Seungki Kim (University of Cincinnati)

11:30 - 12:30: Jiyoung Han (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)

12:30 - 14:00: Lunch break 🍽

18:30: Social dinner 🥂




9:00 - 10:00: Rachel Newton (King's College London)

10:00 - 10:30: Coffee break ☕️

10:30 - 11:30: Mahbub Alam (Uppsala University)

11:30 - 12:30: Igor Shparlinski (University of New South Wales)

12:30 - 14:00: Lunch break 🍽

14:00 - 14:30: Nathan Hughes (University of Exeter)

14:30 - 15:00: Sara Chari (St. Mary's College of Maryland)

15:00 - 15:30: Coffee break ☕️

15:30: Brainstorm session




9:00 - 10:00: Maria-Romina Ivan (Magdalene College Cambridge)

10:00 - 10:30: Coffee break ☕️

10:30 - 11:30: Samantha Fairchild (Max Planck Institute)

11:30 - 12:30: Matthew deCourcy-Ireland (Stockholm University)

12:30 - 14:00: Lunch and farewell 👏🏼


Talks and abstracts

Invited speakers

Title: Around the Gauss circle problem: Hardy's conjecture and the distribution of lattice points near circles

Name: Igor Wigman


Title: New Lower Bounds for Sphere Packing

Name: Marcelo Campos

Title: Rational points on spheres

Name: Claire Burrin

Title: Harmonic sums and Bernoulli numbers: connections with the p-adic zeta function

Name: Alessandro Gambini

Title: On numbers divisible by the product of their digits

Name: Carlo Sanna

Title: On the value distribution of the Epstein Zeta function of lattices in large dimension

Name: Andreas Strömbergsson

Title: Random Lattices in Complexity and Cryptography

Name: Phong Nguyen

Title: Mean value formulas in the space of lattices

Name: Anders Södergren

Title: Diophantine approximation over number fields with congruence conditions

Name: Mahbub Alam

Title: On the problems counting primitive lattice points

Name: Jiyoung Han

Title: Counting S_4-extensions satisfying the Hasse norm principle

Name: Rachel Newton

Title: Room for one more? Saturation probability of random lattice packings

Name: Matthew deCourcy-Ireland

Title: Geometric properties of points on modular hyperbolas

Name: Igor Shparlinski

Title: Euclidean Ramsey sets and the block sets conjecture

Name: Maria-Romina Ivan

Title: Pairs of saddle connections in translation surfaces

Name: Samantha Fairchild

Title: Counting sublattices

Name: Seungki Kim

Contributed speakers

Title: Equidissections of the cross-polytope

Name: Emil Rugaard Wieser

Title: Special lattices in cryptology

Name: Henry Bambury

Title: Effective Counting and Spiralling of Diophantine Approximates in Number Fields

Name: Nathan Hughes

Title: Mathematical Origami Constructions

Name: Sara Chari



Financial support


Bernoulli Center for Fundamental Studies

Chemin des Alambics, Bâtiment GA, Station 5,

1015 Lausanne, Switzerland

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